It is the Christmas eve. All are busy celebrating. It is 2023 years since the birth of Christ. The world IS literally shutdown for these celebrations. A thought enters my mind – what happens if we are told that Jesus Christ and the Allah are the 11th and 12th incarnations of Lord Vishnu, paving a way for the ‘Dvadashavatar’?
Buddha was a rebel. He rebelled against the then popular religion Hinduism and its practices. He was so disillusioned with Hinduism that he went on to establish a brand new and a godless, soulless religion called ‘Buddhism’. Much against the Hindu priestly class language ‘Sanskrit’, he preached in common man’s language ‘Pali’. His religion was simple. People loved this new religion. Millions converted to Buddhism. This shook the very foundation & even the existence of Hinduism. If it were to continue then there would not have been Hinduism today. The Hindus understood this reality. Hence, cleverly the Hindus made the Buddha as one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu – a part of Dashavatar! Thus the Buddhism became a part of Hinduism.
The thought that came in my mind – why not make Christianity a part of Hindu religion? The teachings of the Christianity and that of Hinduism are one and the same – universal brotherhood, peace and an attempt to understand the creation of God. What happens if we were to include Christianity as a part of Hinduism? What happens if we declare that Lord Jesus Christ is the 11th incarnation of Lord Vishnu? The Christians will have their Bible, Church and the Pope – all become Christian Hindus!
The way Buddhists have their own sacred books, practices and Temples – no one interferes with their religious practices – but all of them became a part of Hinduism when we accept Lord Buddha as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. By doing so the destruction of Buddhist temples, religious wars and hatred came to an end. What the Jewish religion treated as against their religion becomes a part of Hindu religion! The world will become a peaceful place & united by one religion. No more religious wars and massacres.
If we were to extend the logic then Prophet Mohammad and the Islam becomes a part of Hindu religion automatically. Islam acknowledged that after Jesus Christ came the last Messenger of God. Thus, Allah becomes then the 12th incarnation of Lord Vishnu!
In the Buddhism and Hinduism, we have an example of unification of religion. Let us follow this illustrious example with the Christianity and Islam and make the world united with one religion. Religious hatred and wars will become a thing of past. The Hindus & the Buddhists visit their temples, Christians their churches and the Muslims Mosques and yet all are united with Hinduism.
It is wrong to say that the God is one and the means of reaching the God are many. The often-quoted example is that the sea is one and the rivers are many! The sea is one, the water is one and the God is one. Peace & Prosperity will prevail on earth forever. The world will become a better place to live!
About the Author
Dr. K. Raja Gopal Reddy is a seasoned internationally qualified Insurance professional.
What you are reading here, may not answer all the questions we have, but has the absolute power of asking unsettling questions which increase the interest in the strange world, and show the contradictory wonders lying just below the surface of the commonest things of life. Look at this disturbing but beautiful thought of Friedrich Nietzsche “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him”.
Dr. Reddy can be reached at: