Virtual Reality is a computer-generated 3D simulation of environment or image. This environment can be interacted in a seemingly real way by a person by using special gadgets such as a helmet with a screen or gloves with sensors. This makes the users feel they are immersed in their surroundings. One example that can be […]
Tag: god

Entire night I was having disturbed sleep. Please do not give reasons as to why I had a disturbed sleep. Like me there are many who are either unable to sleep or having a disturbed sleep. Till the next Tuesday i.e., 17th Sep 2024, this situation persists. We are losing sleep due to few idiots. […]

I Take Care of US Markets!
I was jolted from my deep slumber to reality and life. I was waiting at the airport for the never on time Delhi flight. I was literally day-dreaming nor was I fully asleep when this jolt happened. The sentence that brought me to reality is “I take care of US markets”! Now I became alert. […]

BIBF – Where Learning Never Stops
A couple of days ago I opened a broken suitcase at my Hyderabad home. This case is opened after almost a decade, manufactured by a company called ‘DELSEY’. I was using this suitcase a lot when I was working with the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF), Manama Bahrain. I lost count as to […]

The Bible legend says that the absence of toil or work i.e., idleness was a circumstance of the first man’s blessed state before the fall. Adam is the name given (Genesis 1–5) to the first man. And Eve is the name given to the first woman. Before the Fall, Adam and Eve had lived in […]

Children are usually asked to write an essay on “What will you do if you were to become the President?” Or “What will you do if you are the Doctor?” These are simple and funny question which will elicit funnier answers. We are in this question not asking the student to become the president; we […]

If there is one thing, I have in plenty in an inexhaustible way, is TIME. I have no property; no food; no knowledge; no commitments. I want all these, but they cunningly elude me. And there is money – it sticks to me as thickly as a rain drop sticks to a rain coat! Thus […]

The origin of Good Friday is in Christianity; Jesus was crucified as a criminal in Jerusalem. He was arrested, tried and sentenced to death by crucifixion on a Friday. He was nailed to the cross and left to die. Crucifixion was a brutal form of punishment imposed by the Roman authorities on the enemies of […]

Come at 4 pm for Tea. I Will Wait
After repeated knocking on the window, later on the door, after calling him aloud over 10 times and 15 minutes later, he slowly opened the door. There is an agreed emergency entry into the house, but unfortunately it was latched from inside. Otherwise, I would not have waited for 15 long minutes anxiously. The distance […]