I was jolted from my deep slumber to reality and life. I was waiting at the airport for the never on time Delhi flight. I was literally day-dreaming nor was I fully asleep when this jolt happened. The sentence that brought me to reality is “I take care of US markets”!
Now I became alert. I wanted to see the person who said the above statement loudly. Before I could look around, I heard the following further words: – “I log in from 6 PM to 12 AM. I take care of the major market issues… later my team will take over”!
This means, the speaker and his team take care of the US markets! These people must be more powerful than the government of USA! Anybody who takes care of the US markets must be invariably very powerful. I slowly turned around, saw them. Four middle aged fat men & who want to look forever young by wearing tight jeans and tighter T shirts were taking among themselves loudly. Each of them has protruding belly, flaunting an expensive I – phone engrossed in their loud talks.
I do not know why, but all Indians are pathological eaters. This is the only species in the world which eats even if they are not hungry. When they are in a public place like an airport, it is imperative that they must hog. They were eating the same junk that is usually available at any airport with an expensive price tag. The then US president was not wrong when he said “Indians are eating too much”.
These men who are in their Jeans and T-shirts are pulling their paunch in with great difficulty. This is an elementary observation and this does not require any intelligence. The speaker who said “I usually log in around 6 PM & log off at 12 midnight. Later my team takes care” said this statement very proudly. And this very statement made it clear that they were working for some god forsaken MNC! These are the person who do not have any control over their lives. They live an owl’s life! They sleep when the whole world wakes up and wake up when the world sleeps. They are personification of man’s foolishness and greed.
The other man in their group says “After my Germany trip. I do not know from where to order vegetables”. Someone else in the group responds: “I have been ordering organic vegetable from “Bombay Farming or something like that. Check out, I think they have an app too”.
I wonder why these people talk so loudly? Whom do they want to impress? They are the spoiled brats of tomorrow. Their lives and health are ruined. They are not realizing this. It is their work that is killing them by robbing their good health. I do not think they would realize this truth in their lifetime. Their discussion continued, which now is revolving around their office politics. Feeling sorry for the God, I moved away from them. I am feeling sorry for God for He began to blunder in His creation. His creation is now imperfect!
About the Author
Dr. K. Raja Gopal Reddy is a seasoned internationally qualified Insurance professional.
What you are reading here, may not answer all the questions we have, but has the absolute power of asking unsettling questions which increase the interest in the strange world, and show the contradictory wonders lying just below the surface of the commonest things of life. Look at this disturbing but beautiful thought of Friedrich Nietzsche “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him”.
Dr. Reddy can be reached at: raja66gopal@gmail.com