While going to the airport, Parvathi asked on an early morning at 3.30 am – do we have freedom? I looked at her surprised, requested her to throw more might on that profound statement. She smiled and explained – “you follow traffic rules, you don’t drive beyond the speed light, you help the old lady cross the road, if you don’t stop at the red traffic signal you will rot in the jail! Nothing is chosen by us…everything is thrust up on us. Do we have freedom?
This apparently simple and innocent question led me to think, do we have any freedom at all? I didn’t choose my parents; they were thrust on me. I didn’t choose my name; it was thirst on me. I didn’t choose my school, in fact I had no freedom to choose my school. I was simply admitted there. I have no choice of job; I grab the first one that come in my way. I have no freedom to switch my jobs. I have to pay the taxes. Property tax, sewerage tax, income tax, electricity tax, air tax, petrol tax etc. Do I have the freedom not to pay? I have not chosen to be born in XYZ country. From cradle to grave I have no freedom; from birth or death and thus every moment of my life is decided by others…dictated by So much so I have no freedom to die nor do I have freedom not to be born. Both are against the law!
Therefore, from the practical as well as philosophical point of view there is no such thing as freedom. There are only duties; more duties and still more duties. In conclusion, I would like to say this “She looked at me, smiled and said while staring at the dark serpent like road through the windshield – Don’t you think jails have more freedom than the world”?