Never trust the ratings of IMDb. This is the lesson learnt today.

As everyone knows, one of my chief occupation besides reading (less these days), writing (more these days) and watching (equal to writing) is that of researching on INSURANCE movies. It would not be out of place to mention that there are over 2500 Hollywood movies that are based on insurance alone. This number, through staggering, goes to show that every human being perceives Insurance as an easy way of making money. Otherwise there would not have been 2500 movies! Looking at the chief pillars of insurance, on which the entire super structure of this industry stands, I do not think ‘the perception of easy money from insurance’ is not at all ill-founded. Between you and me (keep it confidential please) I can tell 100 different ways of making easy money out of insurance and that too without being caught!

The IMDb rating for this Insurance action, thriller movie titled ‘CONSEQUENCE’ (2003) is 4.9. Either the people who rated this movie are idiots or do not have any understanding of insurance or both. Insurance deals with RISKS, and there are infinite faces of risk. These risks are beyond human comprehension. Risk is beyond the best of Risk Analysis’ of the world. Further, the methods of risk occurrence are infinite to the power of infinite. If you understand this fact, then making money using the very chief pillars of insurance is as easy as having a cup of Tea. And this is what the Hollywood movies on insurance are trying to say!

Big actors like Armand Assante, Lola Glaudini (both American and very beautiful) are the chief performers in CONSEQUENCE. This is the story of two brothers. One is an international drug dealer, Arms supplier who has gone missing over 8 years. The younger one is an unsuccessful doctor and the husband of a spend thrift wife. To escape from this miserable existence, he plans a successful life insurance fraud for $3mn. He takes care of dental records, blood samples – in a word a perfect crime.

He changes himself to his brother’s identity – and this causes huge problems. How he, having lost everything, survives to brood over his miserable existence is the theme of this movie. Action scenes, suspense, romance, thrilling moments and at the same time uniqueness are packed in this movie.

With 4.9 rating IMDb has lost its credibility. If I were to go along believing this rating, I should not have seen this movie. But I trusted my own judgment I wanted to risk time & money, and I risked. What I have got in return is an in erasable memory. Yet another method of committing a perfect insurance fraud! This is the very meaning of risk!

Finally, Armand Assante is the same actor who portrayed the character of Nietzsche in the classic movie called ‘when Nietzsche wept’. Thank you for this wonderful ‘Consequence’ sir.

Since it is now decided that I shall not go by IMDb ratings, a sad thought germinated in my mind i.e., will I be in a position to complete all the 2500 and odd Insurance movies in my life time?

About the Author

Dr. K. Raja Gopal Reddy is a seasoned internationally qualified Insurance professional.

What you are reading here, may not answer all the questions we have, but has the absolute power of asking unsettling questions which increase the interest in the strange world, and show the contradictory wonders lying just below the surface of the commonest things of life. Look at this disturbing but beautiful thought of Friedrich Nietzsche “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him”.

Dr. Reddy can be reached at:

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