Miraculous Life! – We all think we know what a miracle is! Do we? At most we can give few examples from religion. Jesus walked on water Krishna lifted a mountain with his little finger You will find many more instances. The moot question will remain – do we really know what a miracle is? […]
Tag: religion

Someone asked me – What is it I celebrate most? Initially I did not know what to reply. As I began looking into this aspect, the way I have been looking at this question or my Drishti has changed. Finally, I replied there is only one thing that I celebrate the most – Myself! But […]

Entire night I was having disturbed sleep. Please do not give reasons as to why I had a disturbed sleep. Like me there are many who are either unable to sleep or having a disturbed sleep. Till the next Tuesday i.e., 17th Sep 2024, this situation persists. We are losing sleep due to few idiots. […]

Generally, people especially the trainers, ask this stupid question: “Can you describe yourself in three words?” The so-called trainers think they are asking a brilliant question! The moment you accept the question, you have fallen into a tight inescapable trap. You begin to describe yourself with words like: kind, benevolent, cooperative, God fearing, supportive, understanding […]

Happiness in National Education Policy 2020
The Prime Minister of India celebrated the NEP2020 with a lot of pomp and show. It is said that the NEP2020 aims at a holistic development of a child. It talks about many qualifications and qualities of a student starting from age 3 onwards till the completion of education leading up to Ph.D. Some characteristics […]

Chacha Nehru – Happy Children’s Day
14th November is Chacha Nehru’s Birthday. It used to be called as the Children’s Day. He was a statesman par-excellence. On any given day, it is worth reading the books authored by him. These books hold good for all generations – if you think that Generation Z or Generation Alpha are excluded then you are […]

Learnt about corruption/selfishness / exploitation from painter Ramana, who was visiting me after a long time at my home. Our discussion ranged from Ganesh Puja, God, cheating, corruption among other things. He gave, unknowingly, an insight into corruption and cheating. I realized that the discussion we had is worth recording. Hence this article. We keep […]

We have seen many pictures of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi – or Laxminarayan at various places- at home, temples, streets, shops – to name a few. Lord Vishnu otherwise also known as the Narayan is the most powerful God of the Hindus. According to Hindu Mythology Lord Vishnu is the Sustainer of the Universe. […]

Thoughtless speech leads to many problems. Thoughtful speech creates a better world. Many of us have not learned how to speak. We have misunderstood the ‘Freedom of Speech’! If Socrates’ Triple Filter Test is taught to children the world would be totally different. I can say with reasonable confidence that the following anecdote does not […]

If You don’t come, we don’t mind – Sambhavami Yuge Yuge
“Paritranaya Sadhunam Vinasaya cha Dushkrutam Dharma Samsthapanantheya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge.” Chapter 4, Verse 8, Bhagavat Gita – The Song of God. Rough translation of the above is as follows: In order to deliver the pious, and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to establish the principles of Dharma & Religion, I advent myself millennium […]