The origin of Good Friday is in Christianity; Jesus was crucified as a criminal in Jerusalem. He was arrested, tried and sentenced to death by crucifixion on a Friday. He was nailed to the cross and left to die. Crucifixion was a brutal form of punishment imposed by the Roman authorities on the enemies of the state. The death of Jesus on the cross represents the ultimate sacrifice for the atonement of the sins.
Good Friday comes from the term ‘God’s Friday’ or ‘Holy Friday’. It emphasizes the sacrifice made by Jesus for the forgiveness of the sins. It is a day of reflection, repentance, and gratitude for the love & mercy of God. It is a day of fasting and abstinence to show solidarity with the suffering of Jesus.
Why Friday the 13th considered unlucky?
Across the cultures, it is believed, that many dreadful incidents are associated with this day & number. The disciple who betrayed Jesus, Judas Iscariot, arrived as the 13th guest for the supper. Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
· As per the Biblical tradition, it was on a Friday when Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of knowledge.
· It was on a Friday Cain killed his brother Abel.
· It was on a Friday the temple of Solomon was destroyed.
· It was on a Friday Noah’s ark sailed during the great flood.
No name should have 13 letters:
You are a cursed man if your name has 13 letters. For example:
· Adolfus Hitler
· Saddam Hussein
· Osama Bin Laden
How many Fridays the 13th in 2024?
Year 2024 is a leap year. Hence February has 29 days. In 2024 there are two ‘Friday the 13th s:
1. 13th Sept, 2024. Friday.
2. 13th Dec, 2024. Friday.
When was Jesus Crucified?
When exactly then Jesus could have been crucified! According to Biblical Scholars, Jesus died on Friday, April 3rd AD33 at around 3 PM. What was the day 01/01/0001 AD? It was a Saturday.
How Friday is Related to Insurance?
It was on 2nd June 2023 (Friday), Friday Health Plan Inc. announced its winding down business, due to unsustainable pricing & rapid growth. This has impacted 355,000 customers across 7 states of USA.
All related to Friday. What a tragic Irony!
About the Author
Dr. K. Raja Gopal Reddy is a seasoned internationally qualified Insurance professional.
What you are reading here, may not answer all the questions we have, but has the absolute power of asking unsettling questions which increase the interest in the strange world, and show the contradictory wonders lying just below the surface of the commonest things of life. Look at this disturbing but beautiful thought of Friedrich Nietzsche “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him”.
Dr. Reddy can be reached at: