A day without a 10 km walk is wasted. That day of life is ruined. The continuous conversation with the Creator is interrupted. His words of wisdom went unheard. That day is the day death began to become victorious over life. A flower called day has fallen for ever from the tree of life.
This early morning walk energizes the body, soothes the soul and pacifies the jumpy mind. It brings in harmony. You are at harmony with yourself. It is a walk of introspection, an impartial examination of one’s deeds. In this highly critical area where the judge and the accused are one. You are alone in that morning’s solitude to judge yourself. This is that extraordinary walk which changes our perceptions. This beautiful 10 km walk brings out every toxin from the body through sweat – coming out of every pore of the skin; through our deep breathing we strengthen our lungs and removes the traces of toxins from it. Walking helps in discarding every thought, for thinking is our biggest enemy; it helps emptying our mind making it so light that we barely know of its presence in us. We simply became impartial spectators of the world for those 10 km. The world ceases to exist; our being raises high wondering at the minute marvels of this beautiful & wonderful creation. Though this walk we forget the day today sufferings and associated challenges.
When the blood is gushing with all the force in to every cell of our body through its artery canals, every cell becomes young. Age reversal happens. Every bodily ailment, pain and all those haunting aches will vanish in a magical manner; the perennial search for a western commode will halt forever! You can sit cross legged on the floor; you can bend to pick up the keys fallen on the ground; and finally, we begin to feel very young. This is what age reversal means.
Most importantly, you will be conversing with your Creator in every step of walk. The moon, stars and the sun and all other heavenly bodies will walk with you as you go; the air, with a new respect, attempts to cool your body; the fire from sun can never burn a walker. The universe connives with itself with ecstasy listening to your conversation with the Creator.
What I wrote above is not fiction but an experienced reality. During these long walks I began experiencing the benefits. I feel as if I am in my late 30s again! The slight lower back pains, pain in the heels and other joints have suddenly vanished. I begin to wonder if they existed at all. My body became detoxed. Every harmful toxin came out of my body. My head became lighter and the body became as light as a feather. I am in a position to write all this because I am experiencing it. I am reaping the benefits. To be frank, I am enjoying this state immensely.
Imagine, with the experience, maturity, knowledge of the world and exposure to the human nature we say we have grown older and the body is not listening to us. What if we have a body at least 20 years younger to our actual biological age with the knowledge & experience of a matured man stated above? Then it becomes a rebirth. New life has begun again in this very life. We do not have to die for a rebirth. Rebirth within this life itself! This is where I am at present. As I stand here in my prime youth, I watch the world becoming older by the day. It is, indeed, my rebirth!
About the Author
Dr. K. Raja Gopal Reddy is a seasoned internationally qualified Insurance professional.
What you are reading here, may not answer all the questions we have, but has the absolute power of asking unsettling questions which increase the interest in the strange world, and show the contradictory wonders lying just below the surface of the commonest things of life. Look at this disturbing but beautiful thought of Friedrich Nietzsche “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him”.
Dr. Reddy can be reached at: raja66gopal@gmail.com